(2006, BFA Painting)

For me Art is the most personal expression of one’s inner thoughts and desires, the way one not only see the world but also herself. While creating new ideas, I look at this fractured, multifaceted, branching out world around me from the galactic distance, and what I see is the underlying mutual connections, symbiotics and the historical reasons of modern progress.
I have been able to form a broad and mesmerizing state of being one with this world, one that has always left me fascinated with the dee philosophical connections that have made the world turn out in the way it is now in front of us. Every single thought, idea, philosophy has roots in the history which initiated an ideal and it sustained itself in the form of a myth.
My job has always been to unwind that myth and translate in my language for the world so that it not only evokes an aesthetic sense but also a connection to the roots. The broad canvass and the colours becomes the language of the exploration of the human connection to the nature and its power over us.